The Shaving Cream That Feels Like You Rubbed Dentyne Ice On Your Face

You’ve probably been shaving with the same drugstore can of cream for, well, as long as you can remember. But that doesn’t mean that other options don’t exist. Anthony’s Shave Cream is a pearlescent whip that goes on fairly smoothly but doesn’t foam up. Since this stuff feels like Aloe Vera SoftSoap, you don’t have the luxury of time to stand around and admire yourself in the mirror as it begins to get tacky in about a minute. That being said, we did feel like it provided us with a very close shave and also resulted in less cuts on our neck than normal; that’s probably the result of the rosemary, which is anti-inflammatory and acts as a natural antiseptic. Anthony’s Shave Cream also contains squalane, which helps to lubricate the skin, cornmint and eucalyptus oils to refresh and cool your face, and hops to condition it. We liked how easily our razor glided over our face, taking to it like a pair of skates to freshly-Zambonied ice (and that we didn’t bleed all over our shirt post shave). It’s a buy.

Anthony Shave Cream, $24.00

Price point: High

Details: Free of parabens, phtalates, GMOs, DEA, triclosan, and gluten. Allergy and dermatologist tested. Made cruelty free in the USA.


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