Holy Schmidt’s! Don’t Count This Deodorant Out


We received this product as a gift from Schmidt’s. Any products received as gifts are disclosed.

When we tried Schmidt’s, we were excited but then dismayed: the hardest part was choosing from among of its varied range scents (all of which hit it out of the ballpark), only to be topped by its unpleasant application. It reminded us of those gel deodorants which were never fun to put on at 6:00 am when you were already cold and wanted to crawl back into bed, except it had the feeling of sand mixed in. That was then and this is now. Schmidt’s tweaked its formula (we’d like to think we had something to do with it but can’t claim credit for it). Since we wrote our last review, the scents have stayed the same (and they’ve even produced new ones) but the consistency of the deodorant has changed - it’s now like a ‘regular’ deodorant. No more waiting for the formula to warm up or unpleasant texture - this goes on super smooth and feels rich and creamy. It washes off easily too unlike a lot of natural deodorants we’ve tried - no lingering residue clinging to you. Below we offer our thoughts on five of their scents and there isn’t a bad one - Schmidt’s makes so many great ones that you could easily have several (several!) in your medicine cabinet to swap out depending on your mood. Now that’s unheard of.

Schmidt’s, $5.95


Upon initial whiff, the only word we could thing of was ‘grandmotherly’. This does indeed smell like a rose. But that’s also what makes this one so interesting: the artificiality that exists in candy (watermelon does not, in fact, taste like an actual watermelon) is absent here. It makes us think it would go great under a white polo at Wimbledon or pruning your flowers in your garden wearing a liberty print shirt. Men wearing floral is also still unfortunately a dichotomy, so it poses the interesting scenario of divorcing scent from gender. If you come to Schmidt’s, you’re coming here to smell different and we like this. A lot.

Lavender and sage smells like, well, lavender. And that’s a great thing, because so many products on the market touting themselves as lavender don’t actually smell like lavender. This guy smells like you pressed the oil from the lavender yourself. It’s our signature scent for the summer.

We would’ve never thought of putting these two scents together but lo and behold, it works. This starts off smelling of citrus but then evolves nicely into that sandalwood scent that feels warm and woody. It’s probably the most classic-smelling of the batch, like Old Spice Original or Polo Green. 

Of the five we tried, nothing changed the mood faster than Bergamot & Lime: we immediately felt happier. This one smelled like a lime margarita and we went down the rabbit hole of summery southwestern connotations - chips and salsa, tequila, limeade! That may sound weird to connect all of those things to a deodorant, but Schmidt’s should be congratulated for succeeding in doing what colognes and perfumes strive for but often fail at: transporting us somewhere else.

We wouldn’t blame you if the first thing you thought of when you heard the word ‘charcoal’ was the bag of stuff your dad might’ve used for the barbecue. But that’s not this at all. Of all the ones we tried, this is closest to a boutique fragrance which we can best describe as earthy and mossy. This was our favorite of the five because of its uniqueness, but with how affordable Schmidt’s is compared to a cologne, we luckily don’t have to choose - we can have multiple and change them out depending on our mood.


We Tried a Fragrance for Women


John Varvatos Makes a Nice Fragrance